2010年11月24日 星期三

如何在C#中使用C++ Class DLL

如何在C#中使用Unmanaged dll 文章中曾介紹C#中使用C++ 函式庫(DLL)的方法, 不過此方法僅適用於C-Style export 出來的函式, 不行用在類別(Class)中的成員函式.

但其實很多API都是設計成C++的類別, 因此本文將介紹如何在C# 使用C++ Class的函式.


  • 設計一個C-Style function 介面, 透過指標存取物件的實體 – 由於C#中並沒有提供包裝C++ Class的方法, 所以我們必須將類別中public function重新包裝成C-Style function, 而一個物件的實體, 其實可以透過指標(*)作存取, C#中指標的使用也可透過IntPtr.
  • 利用C# PInvoke機制呼叫C-Style function– 作法可參考如何在C#中使用Unmanaged dll
  • 釋放unmanaged object記憶體 –由於C#的回收機制,不會自動回收unmanaged object記憶體, 所以我們必須透過Dispose/Finalize手動回收, 其作法可參考C#記憶體管理


 #define  CSHAPE_API  __declspec(dllexport)
 #define  CSHAPE_API  __declspec(dllimport)

class CSHAPE_API CShape

 virtual ~CShape(){};

 float GetRectangleArea(float w ,float h) { return w*h; };  
 float GetTriangleArea(float b ,float h) { return 0.5*b*h;};

另外設計一個C-Style function 介面, 包裝要使用的C++ 類別

#include "CShapeAPI.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

extern CSHAPE_API CShape* CreateInstance();
extern CSHAPE_API void DisposeInstance(CShape* pShapeInstance);

extern CSHAPE_API float GetRectangleArea(CShape* pShapeInstance,
                                        float w ,float h);  
extern CSHAPE_API float GetTriangleArea(CShape* pShapeInstance,
                                        float b ,float h);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CShapeBridge.h"

extern "C"  CSHAPE_API CShape* CreateInstance()
 return new CShape();

extern "C"  CSHAPE_API void DisposeInstance(CShape* pShapeInstance)
 if(pShapeInstance != NULL)
  delete pShapeInstance;
  pShapeInstance = NULL;

extern "C"  CSHAPE_API float GetRectangleArea(CShape* pShapeInstance, 
                                              float w ,float h)

 return pShapeInstance->GetRectangleArea(w, h);

extern "C"  CSHAPE_API float GetTriangleArea(CShape* pShapeInstance, 
                                             float b ,float h)
 return pShapeInstance->GetTriangleArea(b, h);

利用PInvoke機制呼叫C-Style function , 並釋放unmanaged object記憶體

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ShapeTest
    public class ShapeWrapper : IDisposable
        #region PInvokes
        private static extern IntPtr CreateInstance();

        private static extern void DisposeInstance(IntPtr pShapeInstance);

        private static extern float GetRectangleArea(IntPtr pShapeInstance,
                                                     float w, float h);  
        private static extern float GetTriangleArea(IntPtr pShapeInstance, 
                                                    float b, float h);

        #region Members
        // Variable to hold the C++ class's this pointer
        private IntPtr m_pNativeObject;  
        #endregion Members

        public ShapeWrapper()
            // We have to Create an instance of 
            // this class through an exported function
            this.m_pNativeObject = CreateInstance();

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool bDisposing)
            if (this.m_pNativeObject != IntPtr.Zero)
                // Call the DLL Export to dispose this class
                this.m_pNativeObject = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (bDisposing)
                // No need to call the finalizer since we've now cleaned
                // up the unmanaged memory

        // This finalizer is called when Garbage collection occurs, but only if
        // the IDisposable.Dispose method wasn't already called.

        #region Wrapper methods
        public float GetRectangleArea(float w, float h)

            return GetRectangleArea(m_pNativeObject, w, h);

        public float GetTriangleArea(float b, float h)
            return GetTriangleArea(m_pNativeObject, b, h);

測試C#程式使用C++ Class DLL
using System;
namespace ShapeTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ShapeWrapper shape = new ShapeWrapper();

            float w= 25.0f;
            float h= 10.0f;
            Console.WriteLine("Rectangle area = "+shape.GetRectangleArea(w, h));

            float b = 30.0f;
            float h1 = 20.0f;
            Console.WriteLine("Triangle area = "+ shape.GetTriangleArea(b, h1));


Rectangle area = 250
Triangle area = 300

另外, MSDN也有提供使用CLR的方法, 請參考包裝原生類別以便讓 C# 使用


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