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2015年3月23日 星期一

sTouch Board is now available on Google Play!

We launched an interactive app in Google Play

sTouch Board- Getting Started


sTouh Board Client allows users to turn their Android tablet/phone into an interactive whiteboard. With the App you can view shared content, control your presentation device, and annotate over any content.

How To Use:
1. Install sTouch Board Windows version: The sTouch Board Client App requires the Windows version of sTouch Board software installed on your Windows device. You can download from here: http://www.stouchtech.com/#!download/c12ug

2. Network Environment: Make sure sTouch Board and sTouch Board Client are on the same network.

3. Connect to sTouch Board : Select the room you from pairing list, and click JOIN.
Please check software user manual for more detail:

We also provide interactive solutions for School Education/Office Presentation/Home Entertainment, please see the following components:

1. sTouch TV: It is the most cost effective solution for large touch screen in the world. Easy to set up! Easy to use! You can draw, write and play on the TV.

2. sTouch Whiteboard : It is a low-cost solution that simply turns a traditional whiteboard or projector surface into an interactive whiteboard.

3. sTouch Board: It is image-based, simple, intuitive whiteboard App available for Windows 8/Windows 7 system.
Features include:
- Drawing Tools - Color pens, highlighter pen, eraser, etc
- Present - Import document files or images into the app to make great presentation
- Sharing and Interactive - Broadcast your screen content and interact with remote devices
- Record - Ability to record and capture your screen
- Annotate - Annotate directly on the desktop screen

For more details, please refer the link: http://www.stouchtech.com/

2010年9月8日 星期三

Touch Game - Rubik's Cube

之前開發過不少touch相關的應用程式, 其中一個就是Rubik's Cube(中文叫魔術方塊), 關於它的介紹和玩法, 可參考: 維基百科-魔術方塊
Rubik's cube繪圖的部分是透過OpenGL API, 而觸控和手勢則取得透過Win7 Touch SDK.
此遊戲可以利用 "觸控+手勢" 來作操作, 方法如下所示:

Orienting the Cube Touch one finger and move it in the direction you want the cube to rotate

[圖 1] Orienting the cube

Rotating a Cube Section - Touch one finger and move it inside the section you wish to move, and then move it in the direction you want to rotate the section

[圖 2] Rotating a cube section

Zoom In - Touch two fingers and move them farther apart.

[圖 3] Zoom in

Zoom Out - Touch two fingers and move them closer apart

[圖 4] Zoom out

Resetting All Rotations - Touch two fingers and move them in the same direction, entire cube orientation can be reset

[圖 5] Resetting all rotations

Scrambling the Cube - Touch two fingers and turn them in a circle to scramble the cube

[圖 6] Scrambling the cube

2009年7月5日 星期日


還記得多年前, 原本不愛寫程式的我, 卻在大學專題製作中, 開始接觸到OpenGL API, 透過OpenGL呈現的3D視覺效果, 讓我開始enjoy在coding和3D modeling當中. 而這也影響到, 我之後所選擇工作的內容, 不在是老本行(機械相關產業), 而是軟體業或和3D有關聯的工作.
而什麼是OpenGL(Open Graphics Library)呢? 簡單地說就是"公開的標準繪圖介面", 它定義了一個跨程式語言跨平台的編成介面規格,並可用來產生2D3D圖象.

OpenGL可分成兩種版本, 分別為硬體純軟體實作版本。
硬體實作版本會透過ICD(Installable-Client Driver,它是硬體驅動程式的介面)

關於OpenGL的相關網站, 有非常多, 可參考下面列出的網址

OpenGL 教學文件:
OpenGL的維基百科 :

OpenGL函式庫 : http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/
OpenGL函式庫: http://www.xmission.com/~nate/opengl.html


OpenGL Reference Manual: http://www.glprogramming.com/blue/
OpenGL Programming Guide: http://orion.lcg.ufrj.br/compgraf1/downloads/OpenGL_Programming_Guide/index.html
OpenGL step by step : http://www.pinxue.net/OpenGL/openglstepbystep.htm
OpenGL tutorial: http://www.songho.ca/opengl/index.html
codesample : http://www.codesampler.com/oglsrc.htm

下面的圖示, 是我利用C搭配OpenGL寫出來的作品:

B-Spline curve

NURBS Surface



3D modeling






